What’s new in react 18? Four things you should know about REACT Development in 2022

Released in March 2022, React 18 is focused on performance improvements and rendering engine updates. Moreover, React 18 also includes several new features and enhancements. As a team passionate about developing innovative technologies, we present today’s blog to summarize the new features in React 18. At the same time, we will highlight why ReactJS is worthy of your selection in 2022. Stay tuned to the whole article about What’s new in React 18 & Four things you should know about React Development in 2022 and don’t forget to contact us with your ideas to build an app or any concerns.

  1. About React: 

React.JS is an open-source JavaScript library that allows developers to create performant and visually appealing user interfaces. Successful companies are using React.JS: Meta, Netflix, Airbnb, Slack, Dropbox,…

  1. What’s new in React 18:

Before jumping into details of every piece, you can find a brief in the table below.

CATEGORY                                    WHAT’S NEW? 
ConceptConcurrent React
FeaturesAutomatic Batching, Transitions, Suspense on the server
APIscreateRoot, hydrateRoot, renderToPipeableStream, renderToReadableStream
HooksuseId, useTransition, useDeferredValue, useSyncExternalStore, useInsertionEffect
UpdatesStrict mode
ReactDOM.render, renderToString
Source: Freecodecamp.org

a. Concurrent React

According to an explanation from The React Team, concurrency is not a feature. Concurrency in React enables the preparation of multiple versions of your UI simultaneously. This can be thought of as an implementation detail, which is valuable because of its unlocks features. Let’s go through this example from React 18 Working group discussions to understand it better.

Imagine we need to call 2 people, Alice and Bob. We can only have one call at a time, so we’ll call Alice first, then call Bob. This is not a problem when calls are brief, but if a call with Alice has a long wait (such as being on hold), it can be a time-waster. That’s how we work In a non-concurrent setting.

Qaraton | What's new in react 18? Four things you should know about REACT Development in 2022

(Image showing that in a typical non-concurrent phone conversation, we have to wait for a call to finish before starting a new call)

Qaraton | What's new in react 18? Four things you should know about REACT Development in 2022

(Image showing Alice and Bob’s phone conversation can be concurrent by placing a call on hold and answering a more urgent call with Bob first.)

In a similar way, with React 18 and concurrent rendering, React can interrupt, pause, resume, or abandon a render. This gives React the ability to respond quickly to user interaction, even in the middle of a heavy rendering task.

Before React 18, rendering was a single, uninterrupted process that occurred synchronously. This meant that once rendering started, it could not be interrupted. The Concurrency update to React’s rendering mechanism allows for interruptions in the rendering process. This provides more flexibility and efficiency when working with React.

b. React 18- New Features and Updates

  • Automatic Batching
    React 18 introduces automatic batching of state updates, which includes updates within promises, setTimeouts, and event callbacks. This significantly reduces the amount of work React has to do in the background, allowing it to wait for a micro-task to finish before re-rendering. To understand better, you can also visit this discussion. However, if you want to disable automatic batching, you can use flushSync.
  • Transitions:
    Transitions can help to mark UI updates that don’t require immediate resources for updating. How do transitions differ from debouncing or setTimeout?

    Unlike setTimeout, startTransition executes immediately. Also, setTimeout has a guaranteed delay, while startTransition’s delay depends on the device’s speed and other urgent renders. Finally, startTransition updates can be interrupted, whereas setTimeout cannot.
  • Suspense on the server
    React 18 now supports Suspense on the server. It allows you to wrap a slow part of your app within the Suspense component, telling React to delay the loading of the slow component.
  • Strict mode:
    The new “strict mode” feature in React 18 allows developers to more easily reuse components and states between different screens. This makes it easier to mount a previous screen by remounting trees using the same component state before unmounting.

3. Things you should know about React development in 2022:

#1:According to StackOverflow, ReactJs is the most popular Front-End javascript library.Qaraton | What's new in react 18? Four things you should know about REACT Development in 2022

A business manager will be less stressed when they don’t have to worry about web pages must be supported by multiple versions of browsers.  For example, Meta (Facebook) supports all versions of JavaScript and HTML5 and CSS3.

#2: More and more React project is considering adopting server-side rendering

Qaraton | What's new in react 18? Four things you should know about REACT Development in 2022

Server-side rendering will allow an app to load faster and provide a more enjoyable user experience. Components from a page will be rendered on the server before sending them to the browser. This speeds up page render time considerably. It helps SEO since Google and Microsoft crawlers can’t understand React apps, but they can understand plain webpages.

#3: More businesses will adopt single-page applications (SPAs)

React has been a driving force behind the growth of SPAs. By allowing users to consume information quickly without constantly loading new pages, SPAs ensure a much better experience overall.
You also can find more information about SPAs in our latest blog

#4: ReactJs is becoming the go-to framework for enterprises and startups.

Qaraton | What's new in react 18? Four things you should know about REACT Development in 2022

React Native app is always considered a budget-friendly option. Businesses can leverage the full potential of React Native for both web development and mobile apps. For example, Slack, Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and Coinbase use React Native for their app development.

4. Top Reasons to choose ReactJS in 2022

  • Virtual DOM: Make updating the rendered HTML5 document more efficient and help improve a website’s performance by reducing the number of updates required on a real DOM.
  • React Native: React Native helps a team maintain two different technologies with one technology
  • Code stability: Code reusability can help reduce the time needed to perform redundant tests, which can improve code quality
  • Reliable solution for all: including developers and enterprises
  • Popularity– Easy to Learn and Use
  • Reusable Components
  • SEO- friendly: ReactJS overcomes problems from the traditional JavaScript frameworks that help developers to be easily navigated various search engines React.js applications can be run on the server, with the virtual DOM rendering and returning to the browser as a regular web page
  • Simplify the creation of Dynamic Web Applications: ReactJS provides less coding and more functionality. It uses JSX, a particular syntax that allows HTML quotes and HTML tag syntax to render specific subcomponents.

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